The Ukrainian authorities’ failed attempt to intervene in EU court proceedings leads to an order that Ukraine pay costs to President Yanukovych

22 October 2015
Author: JHA

You can download this press release as a PDF in Russian and English.

Following the Ukrainian authorities’ failed attempt to intervene in President Yanukovych’s application to the General Court of the EU for sanctions to be lifted, that Court has ruled that Ukraine must pay President Yanukovych’s legal costs.

President Yanukovych started proceedings for the annulment of sanctions in May 2014.

Four months later the Ukrainian authorities applied to the General Court of the EU for permission to intervene in the annulment case. President Yanukovych opposed that application. Subsequently in December 2014 the Ukrainian authorities informed the Court that they were withdrawing their application.

Following an application made by President Yanukovych’s legal team, the General Court ruled in March 2015 that Ukraine must pay the costs incurred by President Yanukovych opposing the Ukrainian authorities’ attempt to intervene in the annulment proceedings.

The General Court’s ruling has only now been made public (see link here).

President Yanukovych’s annulment proceedings are continuing before the General Court.

Joe Hage of Joseph Hage Aaronson LLP, President Yanukovych’s UK lawyer, said:

“This is an important ruling. President Yanukovych is challenging sanctions which were imposed by the EU on the basis of false criminal allegations made by the Ukraine regime, which he vigorously denies. The Ukraine regime’s attempt to intervene in the EU sanctions proceedings was politically motivated and misguided. President Yanukovych was right to resist this, and now Ukraine must pay his legal costs.

We continue to move forward with our application to have the sanctions against President Yanukovych annulled”.


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